Recipe: Appetizing Bubur Nasi Sisa (Cepat & Gurih)

Bubur Nasi Sisa (Cepat & Gurih).

Bubur Nasi Sisa (Cepat & Gurih) You can cook Bubur Nasi Sisa (Cepat & Gurih) using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Bubur Nasi Sisa (Cepat & Gurih)

  1. You need 1 centong nasi of sisa (sy sktr 150gr).
  2. You need 250 ml of air panas (sy pake air rebusan daging ayam).
  3. You need of Bumbu :.
  4. You need 1/2 sdt of garam.
  5. Prepare 1 lembar of daun salam.
  6. Prepare 1 batang of serai, geprek.
  7. You need of Topping :.
  8. It's Sesuai selera of (sy pake abon, kacang & bawang goreng).

Bubur Nasi Sisa (Cepat & Gurih) step by step

  1. Masukkan nasi & air ke dlm blender. Kemudian blend sebentar saja, tdk perlu sampai halus..
  2. Masukkan bumbu ke dlm panci bubur. Masak hingga mengental sambil sesekali di aduk²..
  3. Tuang bubur ke dlm mangkuk. Beri topping sesuai selera. Sajikan sbg menu sarapan..
  4. Alhamdulillaah..


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