
Showing posts from July, 2020

Easiest Way to Make Yummy Nasi Jinggo

Nasi Jinggo . You can have Nasi Jinggo using 11 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Nasi Jinggo Prepare 2 cup of beras. You need 100 gram of kacang. You need 2 butir of telur. You need secukupnya of air. Prepare secukupnya of minyak goreng. You need of Bahan Pelengkap Lain. Prepare of ayam sisit (lihat resep). You need of mie goreng (lihat resep). You need of serundeng (lihat resep). Prepare of tempe orek (lihat resep). It's of sambal terasi (lihat resep). Nasi Jinggo step by step Cuci bersih beras, lalu masak seperti biasanya memasak nasi (saya menggunakan magic com). Cuci bersih kacang, lalu goreng. Rebus telur. Sajikan Nasi Jinggo dengan seluruh pelengkap.

Recipe: Yummy Nasi goreng jawa

Nasi goreng jawa . You can have Nasi goreng jawa using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Nasi goreng jawa It's 1/2 sdt of baceman baput(resep sdh prnh buat). Prepare 1 sdm of sambal bacem. Prepare 1 sdm of minyak. It's 1 butir of telur. It's 1/2 bungkus of bumbu nasi goreng jawa. Prepare 1 piring of nasi(u/porsi 2 orang). Prepare 1/4 sdm of garam. Nasi goreng jawa step by step Tumis bumbu halus+sambal sampe wangi. Pecahkan telur sambil orak arik.... Masukan nasi.bumbu nasgor jawa.garam..aduk rata. Jadiii dehhh🤤🤤tambah pelengkap sesuai seleera😀😀😀.

How to Prepare Delicious Nasi Goreng Hijau

Nasi Goreng Hijau . You can cook Nasi Goreng Hijau using 5 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Nasi Goreng Hijau You need 1 piring of nasi. It's 2 sdt of bumbu nasi goreng hijau (lihat resep). It's Sejumput of garam, kaldu bubuk. Prepare 1/2 sdt of saos tiram. It's 5 buah of cabe rawit hijau iris. Nasi Goreng Hijau instructions Panaskan wajan lalu masukan nasi dan bumbu nasi goreng hijau, aduk hingga bumbu rata(nasi berwarna hijau) kemudian masukan cabe rawit iris aduk lagi. Tambahkan sejumput garam, kaldu bubuk, dan saos tiram aduk rata (jangan lupa cek rasa), masak 2 menit. Angkat dan sajikan.. Praktis dan cepat..

Easiest Way to Make Tasty Nasi Goreng Smoke Beef

Nasi Goreng Smoke Beef . You can have Nasi Goreng Smoke Beef using 12 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Nasi Goreng Smoke Beef Prepare 2 piring of nasi. It's 3 lembar of smoked beef. You need 1/2 bonggol of bawang bombay. It's of Garam dan kaldu bubuk. Prepare of secukupnya. Prepare 1 butir of telur buat orak arik. Prepare of Sayuran (sy pake sagur beku). Prepare of Bumbu halus :. It's 5 siung of bawang merah. It's 2 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 2 buah of cabe merah keriting. Prepare 2 buah of cabe rawit (sy 5 buah). Nasi Goreng Smoke Beef step by step Buat orak arik telur, sisihkan.Tumis bawang bombay dan bumbu halus sampai wangi dan matang.. Masukkan smoke beef dan sayuran. Tambahkan garam dan kaldu bubuk. Terakhir masukkan nasi aduk rata dan masak sampai nasi tanak..