Recipe: Delicious Nasi telur dadar saus tomat
Nasi telur dadar saus tomat . You can cook Nasi telur dadar saus tomat using 15 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Nasi telur dadar saus tomat You need of Bahan telur. Prepare 1 butir of telur. You need 1 tangkai of daun bawang. You need 1 buah of bawang merah. You need 1 buah of cabai setan. It's of Minyak. It's of Masako(secukupnya). Prepare of Lada(secukupnya). Prepare of Bahan saus. Prepare of Saus tomat(secukupnya). You need 1 buah of Bawang putih. Prepare 1 sdm of Kecap inggris. You need of Garam(secukupnya). Prepare of Lada(secukupny). You need of Air(secukupnya). Nasi telur dadar saus tomat step by step Kocok telur,potong daun bawang,bawang merah dan cabai setan. Campurkan kedalam kocokan telur. Tambahkan lada dan masako secukupnya, lalu aduk rata, setelah itu goreng telur sa...